Wednesday, May 16, 2007

New Guild Members

Hey peeps, we've got some new people in the guild who haven't registered for the blog or posted on the forums! If you would, when you see Paul (can't remember his characters name) please ask him to email me at so I can send him the invite to post on the blog.

I wanna see some bio's too. Tell us a little about yourself! Talk people! Get posting! Here...the forums...I don't care, just get used to checking both for information. Plus, we have some fucking hilarious people in this guild. You're missing great stuff if you don't check in. Scantily clad girls in video's aside, there's some fucking funny stuff. *grin*

So if I've missed anyone that's new or is holding out on us, badger them till they post! *blows a kiss*

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Ventrilo Etiquette

The guild is growing so quickly that we thought it might be a good idea to touch on some unspoken, but pretty widely accepted, etiquette for our awesome hotdog parties in Vent. lol These are not meant to censor anyone in any way, just to make it easier for everyone to get the most out of voice chat. Whether you're there to party, communicate through a difficult instance or anything in between!

First and foremost:
Ventrilo information is not to be shared with non-guild members unless cleared by an officer first. The person you sponsor into Vent must be accompanied by you at all times and is not invited to log in without you unless an officer has deemed them Hotdog Worthy.

Main Channels:
Place to hang out with peeps and just catch up with everyone. Light questing is fine there, as long as it doesn't interrupt the flow of awesome communication we have. If you're finding people are having to stop talking to be quiet for your questing chat, please move to a "Questing" channel and come back when you're done.

Questing Channels:
Places to hang out when a few people are on the same quest or instance and need to be able to communicate quickly and clearly. Everyone is welcome in the main channel when questing is done, so come back when you're ready. You can also stay in a questing channel if you're just in the mood to talk to someone without the fun hubbub of the main channel.

Champagne Room style Channels:
Would you guys like us to set up channels for you to use when a couple of you would enjoy the time to just quest together, without having everyone and their grandmother drop in? LOL We can do that. Nobody is ever "restricted" from any channel that isn't passworded, but the Champagne channels would be respected as quiet time for guildmembers.

Pillow Fight Channel:
Unless you have female anatomy...stay out. Anyone we find ambiguous in this regard will be stripped and hosed down for official inspection. No Gent, you cannot volunteer for this...we know you're a dude.

The Shadow Court:
We are eating Danish. We don't want you to have any, so we're hiding. We dance around with fruit filling on our faces and talk about the the Danishless "suckers" in the other channels.

We're also taking advantage of the few times the officers are on together in order to catch up and get some stuff done. We don't mean to break up parties in the main channel. We'll try to keep the officer meetings to a minimum when we have a full house....cause....we love you guys. *sniffle*

Thanks and speak up with any suggestions!
Mother Night Bless You~

Friday, May 4, 2007

My Journey Thus Far.

I really wanted to take the time to say a few things.

So here goes:

YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!!!!!! The second I met the very first representative of this guild (Bloodkiss) I was so very suprised.refreshed.eager. The attitude of everyone is so positive, the effort everyone puts into their characters, and the time you guys are so willing to share around to accomplish so much!

I've 'been around the block' called World of Warcraft, I have seen good.bad.ugly.sad guilds come and go. This being said, we have the recipe for something truly special. Most guilds have to work up to the bond that I see every time I log in, in the hopes it forms. Us, we just have to take some time to level and start wrecking face. I cannot wait to help.teach.learn our way to 70.

Finally, I am honored that I was able and invited to bring my druid over to the guild. I am confident she will be an invaluable tool to assist the guild in any goals set.

Time to set down the peace pipe and pick up the pwn.
Less QQ more Pewpew.
Only you can prevent forest fires.
Knowing is half the battle.
Chicks dig scars.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hear that???

It's the sound of my world crashing down around me! The place that is repairing my pc just said their 8500 is bad out of the box! NOOOOOOO! So, I can't find any place that sells them in this one horse fucking town, so I'm calling all over trying to find one to buy and run over to the shop for them to install!

I hate it when work gets in the way of my WoW life!! *cries*

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Wailing Caverns - Friday May 4th

Dobilina has asked me to run through WC on Friday. Who wants to come along?? :)